We appreciate your willingness
to volunteer at the Easton Area Public Library. Whether
you’re doing data entry, shelf reading, or helping at
our book sales, your efforts will enhance the services
we provide for the community. To make your volunteer
time and efforts as rewarding as possible for you and
for the Library, we are providing the following
Each volunteer is assigned a supervisor who will explain
the work and monitor your progress. Take any questions
or ideas to your supervisor.
You and your supervisor will arrange a mutually
convenient schedule for volunteering during Library
hours. When you report, be sure to sign in and out with
the day and hour in the blue book at the Circulation
Desk. This book tells us who is in the building should
there be an emergency. It is also our official record of
your volunteer hours. We use it in our annual report of
total volunteer hours. Should you be unable to report
for work due to illness, family emergency, etc., please
call 610-258-2917 to leave a message.
If you need assistance while working in a public area
and your supervisor is not available, see the person
working at the Reference Desk.
Volunteers are asked to present a neat and professional
appearance. Please refrain from overly casual dress and
inappropriate attire like tank tops and shorts.
Volunteers who work with privileged or proprietary
information are expected to maintain confidentiality.
You are advised to leave valuable articles at home. The
Library does not have secure locations to store these
items and cannot be responsible for their loss or theft.
Closings for holidays are available on the Library web
site (www.eastonpl.org). Closings for inclement weather
are announced on local radio and television stations |